By Sheldon L | Published at 2020-07-26 | Updated at 2020-07-26 |
Install XCode from App store
setting sync
. Settings in the gist: Zsh
and iTerm
, set zsh
as default both in system and VSCode.
sudo vim ~/.zshrc
, then set ZSH_THEME ‘agnoster’ which comes from clone
vim ~/.zshrc # add 'source path/to/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh'
git clone
vim ~/.zshrc # add 'source path/to/zsh-autosuggestions/zsh-autosuggestions.zsh'
brew install node
brew install php
php -v
brew install mysql
mysql.service start
mysql -v
mysql -uroot # open as root
> update mysql.user set plugin="mysql_native_password"; # give semicolon
> exit
mysql.service restart
as root
, now can create database.brew install composer
# for China
composer global require slince/composer-registry-manager
composer repo:ls
composer repo:use aliyun
composer global require laravel/valet
export PATH=$PATH:~/.composer/vendor/bin
valet install # will install nginx and dnsmasq
valet start
touch index.php
echo "hello";
cd projectName
valet link projectName
valet links
valet unlink projectName
valet tld # check the top level domain
valet tld test # change the tld
valet secure # use https
# shareing
composer global require beyondcode/expose
expose token [YOUR-AUTH-TOKEN] # get token
expose # in project dir
# anaconda graphic installation for Mac
# add /opt/anaconda3/bin to path
Start as in ubuntu
In VSCode all you need is anaconda package extention;
Click bottom bar to change workspace, and create jupyter-notebook through searching cmd searching
, open it and may need to install some etentions following the popup.