By Sheldon L | Published at 2019-09-18 | Updated at 2019-09-18 |
, conda
(for packge and venv management), anaconda
(data science tools like jupyter-notebook)# Download
cd ~/Downloads
wget <$link> # past the download link
bash <$package_name>
# All 'yes' and done
vim ~/.bashrc
# check if there's somthing like: `export PATH=~/anaconda3/bin:$PATH`
source ~/.bashrc
# Check anaconda
# Check Python3
# Check Conda
conda --version
# do not auto activate base environment
conda config --set auto_activate_base False
# OR auto activate base environment
conda config --set auto_activate_base True
# if use proxy, OR skip
export all_proxy="" # turn off proxy
# under base env
conda update conda # update conda
conda update anaconda # will remove packages which are already installed and install whole new version
conda update --all # will update the packages that are already installed
# NOTE! always keep `requirments.txt` and `log.txt` in projects
pip freeze -> requirements.txt
# uninstall
rm -rf anaconda3
# remove anacondas setting
sudo gedit ~/.bashrc
# reinstall like above
# recreate envs for projects by using `requirments.txt` and `log.txt`
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Each project should work in an independent virtual environment
conda search "^python$" # search a python distribution
conda create --name my_env python=3.? # select a python distribution
source activate my_env
python --version # check python version
conda info --envs # check envs list
# if use proxy, pysocks is in need
export all_proxy=""
pip install pysocks
# turn on proxy again
export all_proxy=socks5:// # replace with your own protocol and port
# if want to remove an env
conda remove --name my_env --all
Web Scraping in Python using Scrapy (with multiple examples)