Music 1 - Chords on Gitar

By Sheldon L Published at 2020-06-03 Updated at 2020-06-03


In C Mainer scale:

  0   0.5   1  1.5   2  2.5  3   3.5  4   4.5  5   5.5 |  6  6.5   7  7.5   8  8.5  9   9.5  10  10.5 11  11.5
  C    bD   D   bE   E   F   bG   G   bA   A   bB   B  |  C   bD   D   bE   E   F   bG   G   bA   A   bB   B
unison m2   M2  m3   M3  4   #4   5   m6   M6  m7  M7  octave m9   M9  m10  M10 11  #11  12  m13  M13 m14  M14
  1    #1            b4      b5       #5                  8   #8            b11     b12      #12
            o3           +3       o6       o7  +6         o9           +9                o13      o14 +13

Some times:
                                      b6   6    7  #7                  #9

Scales and Half-step Intervals

Major Scale:

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th  |  8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th
   2   2   1   2   2   2   1 |     2   2    1    2    2    2    1

Natural minor:

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th  |  8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th
   2   1   2   2   1   2   2 |     2   1    2    2    1    2    2

Harmonic minor:

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th  |  8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th
   2   1   2   2   1   3   1 |     2   1    2    2    1    3    1

Melodic minor:

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th  |  8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th
   2   1   2   2   2   2   1 |     2   1    2    2    2    2    1

Main Notations


Chord Qualities

Name Notation Components
Major Chords $ R, RM, R\Delta $ R, M3, 5
Minor Chords $ Rm $ R, m3, 5
Diminished Chords $ Rdim, Rm^{(b5)}, Ro $ R, m3, b5
Augmented Chords $ Raug, R^{(\sharp5)}, R+ $ R, M3, #5

Cord Extensions

Name Notation Components
dominant 7th $ R^7, R^{dom7} $ R, M3, 5, m7
Major 7th $ R^{M7} $ R, M3, 5, M7
minor 7th $ Rm^7 $ R, m3, 5, m7
minor Major 7th $ Rm^{M7} $ R, m3, 5, M7
half-diminished 7th $ Rø, Rm^{7(b5)} $ R, m3, b5, m7
diminished 7th $ Ro^7, Rm^{(b7)(b5)} $ R, m3, b5, M6
augmented 7th $ R+^7, R^{7(#5)} $ R, M3, #5, m7
augmented Major 7th $ R+^{M7}, R^{M7(#5)} $ R, M3, #5, M7
Major 6th $ R^6, (6)m^7/R $ R, M3, 5, M6
minor 6th $ Rm^{b6}, (b6)^{M7}/R $ R, m3, 5, m6
diminished 6th $ Ro^{b6}, Rm^{b6(b5)}, (b6)^7/R $ R, m3, b5, m6
augmented 6th $ R+^6, R^{6(#5)}, (6)m^{(M7)}/R $ R, M3, #5, M6
It6 augmented   bA, C, bG
Fr6 augmented   bA, C, D, bG
Ger6 augmented   bA, C, bE, bG
N6   F, bA, bD
9ths $ R^9, R^{dom9} $ R, M3, 5, m7, M9
9ths $ R^{M9}, R^{9(M7)} $ R, M3, 5, M7, M9
9ths $ Rm^9 $ R, m3, 5, m7, M9
9ths $ Rm^{9(M7)} $ R, m3, 5, M7, M9
9ths $ Rm^{7b9}, Rm^{b9(7)} $ R, m3, 5, m7, m9
9ths $ Rm^{7\sharp9}, Rm^{\sharp9(7)} $ R, m3, 5, m7, m10
9ths $ R+^{M9}, R^{M9\sharp5} $ R, M3, #5, M7, M9
9ths $ R+^{M7#9}, R^{M7\sharp9\sharp5} $ R, M3, #5, M7, m10
elevenths … and beyond

Altered Chords

Name Notation Components
add9 $ R^2, R^{add9} $ R, M3, 5, M9
6/add9 $ R^{6/9}, R^{6/add9} R, M3, 5, M6, M9

Suspended Chords

Name Notation Components
  $ R^{sus}, R^{sus4} $ R, 4, 5
  $ R^{sus2}, R^{add9 (no 3rd)} $ R, M2, 5

Power Chords

Name Notation Components
power chords $ R^5, R^{(no 3rd)} $ R, 5