By Sheldon L | Published at 2020-02-29 | Updated at 2020-02-29 |
Sign up Docker
sudo docker version
sudo docker info
sudo docker container run -it -p 800:80 nginx
# - stdInput & promptTerminal (or iteractive mode, run forend), `ctlC` and `pkill` can affect nginx in the container forend
# - PORT publishing
# 800(outer port, as you like):80(container nginx port)
# nginx will be pulled if it is not installed in the container, search apps in
# docker nginx documentation
# http://localhost:800/
, -d
, -p
, -f
# containers
sudo docker container ls # runing containers
sudo docker ps # same as above
sudo docker container ls -a # all containers inclueding the exited ones
sudo docker ps -a # same as above
sudo docker stop <name|id[:3]>[list] # name or first 3 digits of container's id or list many of them
sudo docker stop $(sudo docker ps -aq)
sudo docker start <name|id[:3]>[list]
sudo docker run <name> <command> # run command when start a container
sudo docker container rm <name|id[:3]>[list]
sudo docker rm $(sudo docker ps -aq)
sudo docker container rm <name|id[:3]>[list] -f
# images
sudo docker images # list app images
sudo docker image rmi <name|id[:3]>[list]
sudo docker pull nginx # see the documentation in
# How to go into docker's bash
sudo docker start mynginx
sudo docker container exec -it mynginx bash
> exit
sudo docker container run -d -p 8080:80 --name mynginx nginx
sudo docker container run -d -p 8081:80 --name myapache httpd
# --detatched (run background independently or it will be attatched by default)
# can run both nginx and httpd at the same time use the same 80 port of the containers
sudo docker attatch <name|id[:3]>[list] # attatch a dettatched container
sudo docker ps
sudo docker container stop myapache
sudo docker container rm myapache # stop, then remove # force remove
sudo docker image rmi httpd
Environment Variables
for examplesudo docker container run -d -p 3306:3306 --name mymysql --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123456 mysql
docker inspect <container>
cd $hub/mysite_test
mkdir dockers
cd dockers
mkdir nginx-web-html
cd nginx-web-html
sudo docker container run -d -p 8080:80 -v $(pwd):/usr/share/nginx/html --name nginx-web nginx
# `-v $(PATH):$(PATH in container)`: bind local PATH to the container PATH
# now can edit html content in this folder
touch index.html
vim index.html # what ever
# create Dockerfile to set
touch Dockerfile
vim Dockerfile # see bellow
FROM nginx:latest
WORKDIR /usr/share/nginx/html
COPY . . # copy all to all
sudo docker image build -t <username_of_docker_account>/nginx-web .
# -t: tag
# dot means in $(pwd)
# run 1 step a layer, if build crupt, can modify Dockerfile and will build from the break point next time.
sudo docker images # check
sudo docker rm nginx-web -f # remove old
sudo docker container run -d -p 8080:80 <username_of_docker_account>/nginx-web
docker login
cd <projectfolder>
sudo docker push <username_of_docker_account>/<projectname>
docker inspect <container> # will return in json
docker logs <container>
docker container run <container> --network=[bridge|none|host] # bridge is the default
docker network ls
docker instpect <container> # check network
docker network create --driver bridge --subnet <costum-isolated-network>
docker volume create <data_volume>
# |_ /var/lib/docker
# |_ /volumes
# |_ /<data_volume>
docker run -v <data_volume>:/var/lib/mysql mysql
# mount to the container
docker run -v <data_volume_new>:/var/lib/mysql mysql
# new volume will be automatically created
docker run -v /path/to/data/:/var/lib/mysql mysql
# OR
docker run \
--mount type=bind,source=/path/to/data,target=/var/lib/mysql mysql
python (voting) -> redis (inMemoryDb) <- .net (worker) -> postgresql (db) <- node.js (results)
frontend backend frontend
docker run -d --name=redis redis
docker run -d --name=db postgresql
docker run -d --name=vote -p 5000:80 --link redis:redis voting-app
docker run -d --name=result -p 5001:80 --link db:db result-app
docker run -d --name=worker --link db:db --link redis:redis worker
image: redis # already in dockerhub
image: postgresql:9.4 # already in dockerhub
voting-app: # buildp
build: ./vote # code folder with Dockerfile
- 5000:80
- redis
result-app: # build
build: ./result
- 5001:80
-db # db:db = db
worker: # build
build: ./worker
- redis
- db
doker-compose up
# above is version 1
# version 2 will create network auto
# services can talk to each other, link to the same name the are looking for
# no need to spicify links
# version 2 introduce `depends on` and `networks`
version: 2
image: redis # already in dockerhub
networks: # add backend services to backend network
- backend
image: postgresql:9.4 # already in dockerhub
- backend
voting-app: # buildp
build: ./vote # code folder with Dockerfile
- 5000:80
- redis
networks: # add front services to both frontend and backend network
- frontend
- backend
result-app: # build
build: ./result
- 5001:80
- postgresql
- frontend
- backend
worker: # build
build: ./worker
- postgresql
- redis
- back-end
# version 3 similar to 2
# support dockers on
# docker stacks
version: 3
image: nginx/nginx # docker.io_(defult)/user_account_name/image_repo
# more
image: # may be private, asuar, gcp, aws may provide you account when registered
docker login
docker run
# always login before pulling or pushing private
# if no private accout, how to push in your own orgnization?
# example:
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name registry registry:2
docker image tag my-image localhost:5000/my-image # url
# localhost
docker push localhost:5000/my-image
docker pull localhost:5000/my-image
docker push 192.168.x.x:5000/my-image
docker pull 192.168.x.x:5000/my-image
Docer CLI (may on remote Laptop) <-> REST API (Docer engine) <-> Docker Deamon (Docer engine)
# CLI to remote engin
docker -H= run nginx
Linux Sys
|_ PID 1
|_ PID 2 map to container
|_ PID 3 _________________
|_ PID 4 | |
|_ PID 5 --+-> PID 1 |
|_ PID 6 --+-> |_PID 2 |
| ... |
docker run --cpu=.5 ubuntu # no more than 50% of the host
docker run --memory=100m ubuntu